Handling fees in deposit return systems
A detailed summary of handling fees across deposit return jurisdictions worldwide, offering valuable insights into how different systems set and manage these fees.
Handling fees in deposit return systems
A detailed summary of handling fees across deposit return jurisdictions worldwide, offering valuable insights into how different systems set and manage these fees.
Digital deposit return systems: What you need to know
Overview of new digital elements that are included within the concept of digital deposit return systems (DDRS).
Public support for deposit return systems
Compilation of results from over 180 public opinion polls on public support for deposit systems gathered on a global scale.
Social-economic benefits of deposit return systems for charities and other non-profit organisations
Short fact sheet going over how deposit return has potential to generate meaningful social-economic outcomes.
Deposit return systems: How they perform
Countries, states, and provinces that have implemented deposit return systems (DRS) consistently achieve higher collection rates for drinks containers than those that rely solely on municipal kerbside collection programmes.
Deposit return systems:The difference between flat-and variable-rate schemes
When it comes to the design of a new DRS, one of the key topics of debate is whether the system should adopt a flat-rate (sometimes called ‘fixed-rate) or variable deposit fee.
Deposit Return Systems Reduce Litter
In addition to increasing recycling rates, one of the main benefits of deposit return schemes (DRS)—and one that cannot be accomplished without it—is litter reduction.
Consumer participation in DRS: Drivers, barriers, and implications
Fact sheet based on a thorough review of available consumer participation data from consumer surveys related to existing DRS.
Deposit Return Systems Create More Jobs
The research cited in this document provides a compelling case for increasing beverage container recovery rates through DRS.
Policy instruments to promote refillable beverage containers
Fact sheet detailing how policy can promote refillable packaging use, an important aspect of a circular economy.
Deposit Return Systems Generate Cost Savings for Municipalities
We wanted to learn more about how municipalities are impacted by the implementation of a DRS, and so we set off on a task to compile all of the research done on the subject over the years. What we found was compelling, and sufficiently closes the case that container deposit systems are good—not bad—for municipalities.
A National Recycled Content Requirement
Fact sheet about implementing a minimum recycled content requirement for plastic beverage containers.
By the Numbers: A National Beverage Container Programme
This fact sheet presents the range of economic, environmental and social impacts expected from a high performing national deposit programme.