Reloop News

Reloop News - Deposit Return

Call to rethink proposed changes to Slovakia’s deposit return system

Reloop has joined a coalition of leading industry bodies and organisations in writing to Tomáš Taraba, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.

In collaboration with organisations like Zero Waste Europe, Fair Resource Foundation, UNESDA – Soft Drinks Europe, and EURPOPEN, we are greatly concerned about the suggested changes to the Slovak legislation on the Deposit Return System (DRS) for single-use beverage packaging.

We believe the proposed changes conflict with several Slovak and EU legislation principles, particularly Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the minimum DRS requirements outlined in the forthcoming EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).

Read the letter


Reloop Programme 3

Money Back

This news article is in line with Reloop’s programme for packaging subject to deposits or charges.

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