Masterclass – The Mixed Deposit Return System to Accelerate France’s Reuse Trajectory
Alexis Eisenberg leads this masterclass focused on the circular economy, particularly on packaging and deposit systems for reuse and recycling.
Masterclass – The Mixed Deposit Return System to Accelerate France’s Reuse Trajectory
Alexis Eisenberg leads this masterclass focused on the circular economy, particularly on packaging and deposit systems for reuse and recycling.
Handling fees in deposit return systems
A detailed summary of handling fees across deposit return jurisdictions worldwide, offering valuable insights into how different systems set and manage these fees.
Joint letter on the proposed changes to the Deposit Return System in Slovakia
Reloop has joined leading industry bodies and organisations opposing proposed changes to the Deposit Return System in Slovakia.
Joint letter to UK Prime Minister urging Deposit Return Scheme roll-out.
Reloop has joined a group of environmental organisations, manufacturers, and retailers in writing to Keir Starmer, the newly appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, to urge the swift implementation of a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) across the country.
Delivering deposit return schemes during this Parliament
Following the general election in July 2024, Reloop has written to all Members of the UK Parliament to highlight the importance of keeping legislation for a deposit return scheme on track.
Digital deposit return systems: What you need to know
Overview of new digital elements that are included within the concept of digital deposit return systems (DDRS).
Global Recycling League Table
Report examining and comparing the recycling performance of 48 countries.
Opportunity and feasibility analysis of the deployment of the Mixed Deposit System in France
Study on the possible outcomes of three key pieces of legislation on deposit return systems in France.
Public opinion research on a deposit return system in Great Britain
Overview of Reloop’s recent polling in Great Britain showing that seven out of 10 people support the introduction of a deposit return system/
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (France)
Webinar discussing developments in managing packaging in Europe, and what we can learn from them in the lead up to public consultation on packaging reforms in Australia.
Reloop’s proposed Annex F
This paper proposes text for inclusion in Annex F of the UN’s International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution
Reloop : #Oui la vraie consigne ! Programme
Programme for the event Reloop : #Oui la vraie consigne ! in Paris, France.
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (Sweden)
Webinar offering invaluable insights into Sweden’s pioneering Extended Producer Responsibility scheme.
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (Romania and Poland)
Webinar on approaches adopted by Romania and Poland in meeting EU requirements, including EPR scheme responsibilities and governance.
Delivering an Ambitious Deposit Return Scheme in Wales
Recording of a webinar on the importance of deposit return systems for Wales hearing from international practitioners about successful schemes elsewhere in Europe.
La mise en place de la consigne du recyclage a t-elle impacté la consigne du réemploi en Allemagne?
Webinar recording delving into the evolution of recycling and reuse deposits in Germany.
Lutte contre les déchets abandonnés de boissons : La consigne en France et en Belgique ?
Webinar recording from Lutte contre les déchets abandonnés de boissons : La consigne en France et en Belgique delving into the heart of the critical issue of littered beverage waste in nature, including plastic and glass bottles, as well as cans.
Joint letter calling UK policymakers to introduce deposit return legislation
Letter urging UK policymakers to seize the opportunity to ensure the timely delivery of a deposit return scheme for the United Kingdom.
Note de position pour la pleine mise en oeuvre de la loi AGEC
Position paper with tangible proposals for implementing a mixed DRS on plastic bottles, cans, and reusable containers.
Deposit return schemes: best practice and benefits
Briefing for UK decision makers outlining the UK's policy on deposit return systems, and what must happen next.