A new agreement has been reached on the targeted revision of the Waste Framework Directive, setting EU targets for food waste reduction by 2030 and measures towards a more responsible and less waste-producing textile sector.
Reloop News
A new agreement has been reached on the targeted revision of the Waste Framework Directive, setting EU targets for food waste reduction by 2030 and measures towards a more responsible and less waste-producing textile sector.
Reloop brought together leading European experts on Deposit Return Systems (DRS) to address key questions faced by countries when preparing to introduce deposits for beverage containers.
December 18th marked a pivotal moment in the journey towards sustainable packaging practices in the European Union.
Reloop signed an appeal against removing mandatory provision for deposit return systems from new EU regulation.
Our new position paper focuses on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposal and the central role of reuse within the draft.
Our new position paper focuses on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposal and the central role of reuse within the draft text.
A study looking at how the circular economy can be taken to the next level through the extended use of existing economic measures.
The conference will feature contributions by high-level representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament and member states as well as experts from industry, research and civil society.
Reloop’s CEO Clarissa Morawski participated as a part of a panel discussion organised by the German Mineral Water Association about the next steps that the EU and the natural mineral water sector need to take together to protect the climate and the most valuable resource there is: water.