Reloop pursues a range of solutions for packaging waste throughout the Pacific.
This includes regulated product stewardship schemes for packaging waste in Australia, deposit return schemes for drink packaging in Australia, New Zealand and into Asia, and packaging reuse models.
We work closely with similarly active and aligned NGOs, as well as partnering with waste and resource recovery organisations throughout the region, as well as progressive businesses.

Rob Kelman
Director, Reloop Pacific
About RobRob has worked across waste and resource recovery initiatives with NGOs and business over the past 15 years. He has also supported businesses across a range of sectors, including forestry, resources and banking, to focus on their sustainability pursuits. In addition to pursuing solutions for plastics, packaging and the circular economy, Rob is also Executive Officer of the Australian Tyre Recyclers Association.
Reloop Pacific resources
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (Sweden)
Webinar offering invaluable insights into Sweden’s pioneering Extended Producer Responsibility scheme.
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (Romania and Poland)
Webinar on approaches adopted by Romania and Poland in meeting EU requirements, including EPR scheme responsibilities and governance.
Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers and Cartons
Reloop’s input to the Hong Kong Government regarding the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers (PPRS), including recommendations on specific issues.
Soft Plastics Scheme: The basis of true EPR?
Article written for Inside Waste, July 2023, Robert Kelman.