Reloop has unveiled an enhanced “What We Waste” dashboard featuring data from 210 countries, encompassing 98.5% of the global population.
The updated tool tracks trends in beverage container sales, collection, and waste, making it easy to assess waste volumes, financial losses, and carbon emissions.
Sales projections are included in the dashboard until 2029. This means you can use the projected collection for recycling rates to estimate what we will waste in the next five years and the positive impact of introducing deposit return systems.

The dashboard offers an intuitive way to explore global beverage container waste, defined as containers ending up in landfills, incineration, or the environment.
Come to our launch webinar
Explore Reloop’s Updated What We Waste Dashboard
Join us for a webinar with Jason Wilcox, Reloop’s Data and Dashboard Manager, as he introduces the updated What We Waste Dashboard.