Reloop is excited to announce the release of our latest fact sheet on consumer participation in deposit return systems.
This fact sheet is based on a thorough review of available data from consumer surveys related to existing DRS, as well as some pre-DRS implementation surveys. The review process involved an analysis of consumer attitudes and behaviours towards DRS, with a particular focus on factors that influence consumer participation and engagement. Based on the findings from the reviewed studies, the fact sheet provides an overview of current reported participation levels in existing DRS worldwide, including data on reported recycling frequencies and volumes returned per visit, as well as how consumers utilise the deposit refund.
It also presents a high-level summary of the reasons why consumers return their containers (i.e., motivations), as well as the key barriers to their participation. The fact sheet concludes by presenting strategies to increase engagement with DRS based on the findings of the research.
Consumer participation in DRS: Drivers, barriers, and implications
Fact sheet based on a thorough review of available consumer participation data from consumer surveys related to existing DRS.