The Single Use Plastics Directive: Is it in Jeopardy?
Reloop in 2020 co-signed a joint position paper on the European Commission's Single Use Plastics Directive.
The Single Use Plastics Directive: Is it in Jeopardy?
Reloop in 2020 co-signed a joint position paper on the European Commission's Single Use Plastics Directive.
Position Paper on draft Implementing Decision laying down rules for the application of Directive (EU) 2019/904
We call on the European Commission and national authorities to provide more clarification of certain provisions of the draft Decision which, in their current format, would significantly undermine the intent of the Directive.
Calculating National Recycling Rates
Reloop has prepared a joint letter to the U.S. EPA with comments about the methodology it uses to calculate national recycling rates, and how this methodology might be improved.
Deposit Systems for One-Way Beverage Containers: Global Overview (2016)
A comprehensive summary of 38 different deposit return systems for one-way beverage containers in existence around the world.
Making the Switch: The Business Case for Reusable Packaging
Key findings of several case studies that illustrate how switching from single-use to reusable transport packaging is beneficial not only for the environment, but for companies' bottom lines.
Target 90: An unprecedented coalition of businesses across the EU calls for an ambitious approach to beverage packaging.
Joint position paper calling for an ambitious approach to beverage packaging.
Coalition letter in support of PPWR
Reloop EU coalition letter supporting the overall direction and ambition of the Commission's Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation proposal.
Mixed Waste Sorting to meet the EU’s Circular Economy Objectives
This report examines the potential role of “mixed waste sorting” (MWS) to complement separate collections of municipal waste in the EU.
Mixed Waste Sorting to meet the EU’s Circular Economy Objectives
This policy brief explains why taking a holistic approach to policies addressing packaging design for recyclability, separate collection systems.
Global Deposit Book 2022 – Explained
7 minute presentation on the Global Deposit Book 2022.
Policy instruments to promote refillable beverage containers
Fact sheet detailing how policy can promote refillable packaging use, an important aspect of a circular economy.
Target 90 Apple Analogy
Video illustrating the exponential power of circularity as it relates to collecting 90% of beverage packaging.
What We Waste
Report tracking 20 years of growth in international drinks container wastage.
Global Deposit Book 2020
A comprehensive summary of over 40 deposit return systems in place around the world.
Deposit Return Systems
Presentation on Deposit Return Systems by Clarissa Morawski October 2019.
Container Refund Schemes: Learnings for Aotearoa / New Zealand
Presentation on Container Refund Schemes.
Deposit Systems for Beverage Containers in Europe
Presentation made on November 22, 2019, Conference on Best-in-Class Single Use Beverage Packaging.
Taking a closer look at developments on EPR for packaging in Europe
Presentation from December 2019, European Packaging EPR Webinar Hosted by the Northeast Recycling Council.
Deposit Return: How it Works
Beverage containers are one of the biggest contributors to litter. But there is a solution to this problem - it's called a deposit return system. Watch this explainer and find out what you need to know.
Packaging Insights
Five key system conditions shaping the EU plastic packaging value chain.