Reusable Packaging and COVID-19
Analyses of the the situation of reuse and refill systems in light of COVID-19.
Reusable Packaging and COVID-19
Analyses of the the situation of reuse and refill systems in light of COVID-19.
Deposits by the Numbers
Article written for Resource Recycling, April 2023.
Guidance for the interpretation of the European Parliament proposal on Art. 29 of the REDIII regarding mixed waste sorting systems of ‘defined quality’
Policy briefing by Reloop and Zero Waste Europe provides guidelines for legislating mixed waste sorting (MWS) in the context of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED).
How Hong Kong’s Plastic Waste Fight Can Set the Course for Asia’s Future
Article written for South China Morning Post, December 2022, Robert Kelman.
Reloop 2022 Year in Review
As 2022 draws to a close, we wanted to share some of our highlights with you.
Bin There, Done That
Article written for Waste Management Review, October 2022, Robert Kelman.
Submission to Singapore Government Consultation on Beverage Container Return Scheme
A submission towards the government’s final determination on scheme design, eligible containers, targets, and deposit values.
Consumer polling on container return scheme
Our briefing on consumer research polling regarding the New Zealand Government’s proposal to introduce a beverage container return scheme (CRS).
Alternative Model for Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers (PPRS)
Submission to the Hong Kong Government regarding the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers (PPRS), including recommendations on key aspects of the scheme.
The case for sorting recyclables prior to landfill and incineration
Report providing a clear and compelling case for mandatory mixed waste sorting in the EU.
Deposit Return Systems Generate Cost Savings for Municipalities
We wanted to learn more about how municipalities are impacted by the implementation of a DRS, and so we set off on a task to compile all of the research done on the subject over the years. What we found was compelling, and sufficiently closes the case that container deposit systems are good—not bad—for municipalities.
Too many containers are being burned, buried, littered
Article written for Common Wealth Beacon, April 2022, Elizabeth Balkan and Kirstie Pecci.
Modernizing Bottle Bills: Saving the Environment and the Economy
Article written for B2B News Network, March 2022, Elizabeth Balkan.
A National Recycled Content Requirement
Fact sheet about implementing a minimum recycled content requirement for plastic beverage containers.
Reloop 2021 Year in Review
The year 2021 has been a busy year for Reloop.
How giving Americans money to recycle bottles and cans would slow climate change and boost the economy
Article written for Market Watch, December 2021, Elizabeth Balkan (in collaboration with Scott Breen and Alex Truelove).
By the Numbers: A National Beverage Container Programme
This fact sheet presents the range of economic, environmental and social impacts expected from a high performing national deposit programme.
Effective stakeholder engagement in the development of an EPR bill
Article written for Medium, October 2021, Elizabeth Balkan.
Europe’s new recycling calculation method
webinar about Europe’s recycling calculation methodology, how it works in terms of recycling losses and contamination, and how it will impact targets in Europe.
Creating effective systems for reuse
Webinar going over reusables design, policy and everyday use for people.