Product design, composition and performance

UN Plastic Treaty Recommendation

Product design, composition and performance

Products and packaging must be designed to reduce the use of plastics and harmful chemicals, minimise non-recyclable waste, and promote refill and reuse systems.

Reloop’s proposed text emphasises the need for products and packaging to be designed in alignment with the treaty’s objectives.

This includes reducing the use of plastics and harmful chemicals, promoting sustainable product design and consumption patterns, minimising non-recyclable waste, and promoting refill and reuse systems.

Key provisions

  1. Minimum design criteria: Parties are required to implement policies and laws ensuring that plastics and plastic products meet minimum design criteria outlined in the treaty. Products failing to comply will be prohibited from being placed on the market.
  2. Certification and labelling: The governing body will establish certification procedures and labelling requirements to demonstrate compliance with design and performance criteria.
  3. Public procurement guidelines: Parties are encouraged to prioritise certain features in public procurement, such as excluding harmful chemicals, promoting durability, ease of repair, and recyclability.
  4. Incentives for improved design: Measures like taxes or levies on single-use items and specific product groups are recommended to incentivise better design and higher recycling rates.
  5. Development of standards: Collaboration with national and international organisations will be necessary to develop standards and guidelines supporting treaty objectives.
  6. Capacity building support: Parties eligible for support will receive assistance in developing and implementing relevant policies and laws for effective treaty implementation.
  7. Cross-border enforcement: Businesses who operate in multiple Parties and are suspected of breaching treaty terms may face sanctions in the jurisdiction where the breach occurs.

The UN Plastic Treaty text amendments

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