Survey conducted by Reloop France showed that the French strongly support the implementation of a deposit return scheme for beverage containers.
New Reloop fact sheet on consumer participation in deposit return systems.
Deposit return systems (DRS) have been implemented in over 50 jurisdictions worldwide.
Reloop’s Clarissa Morawski explores the complicated matter of moving towards a circular economy on the TOMRA Talks Circular podcast.
The letter focuses on the issue of downcycling PET beverage bottles in textiles claimed to be “sustainable” or “circular.”
Join us for the second webinar in Reloop’s Deep Dive into European DRS series, as we explore the deposit return systems (DRS) in Iceland and Finland.
Mixed Waste Sorting: The next frontier for the circular economy.” conference will take place on March 21, 2023, in Brussels, Belgium, from 9 AM to 4 PM CET.
This policy briefing by Reloop and Zero Waste Europe provides guidelines for legislating mixed waste sorting (MWS) in the context of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED).
In this new fact sheet, we provide an overview of which jurisdictions use flat- vs. variable-rate deposits and how they perform.