Reloop News

Reloop Event - Deposit Return

Join us for the second webinar in Reloop’s Deep Dive into European DRS series, as we explore the deposit return systems (DRS) in Iceland and Finland.

Reloop Event - Circular Economy

Mixed Waste Sorting: The next frontier for the circular economy.” conference will take place on March 21, 2023, in Brussels, Belgium, from 9 AM to 4 PM CET.

Reloop News - Circular Economy Mixed Waste Sorting

Our policy brief explains what is necessary if the EU is to meet its recycling and carbon emissions reductions targets and achieve real circularity.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

In this new fact sheet, Reloop provides an update on recent developments in DDRS, including an update on DDRS trials.

Reloop Published Article - Deposit Return

This Resource Recycling magazine article presents an analysis of the latest data from these programmes.

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