The letter focuses on the issue of downcycling PET beverage bottles in textiles claimed to be “sustainable” or “circular.”
Reloop News
The letter focuses on the issue of downcycling PET beverage bottles in textiles claimed to be “sustainable” or “circular.”
In this article for Waste Dive, our Director of Americas Elizabeth Balkan explains how deposit return systems (DRS) play a key role in the recycling chain for manufacturers and packaging and recycling companies, and why they are key to solving the plastic paradox.
The aim of the conference, hosted in Brussels by the European Committee of the Regions, was to bring together governments, DRS operators, experts, producers and technology providers from countries across Europe to offer their expertise on the various components of best in class DRS systems.
Less than 24 hours after Scotland became the first part of the UK to announce details of such a scheme, environmental campaigners across the globe united in an international day of action to urge more countries to adopt a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks cans and bottles.
Reloop has prepared a short backgrounder to summarize some of the key elements of the Single-Use Plastics Directive.
Reloop has prepared a short backgrounder to summarize some of the key elements of the Directive, including what measures have been proposed to minimize the usage of single-use plastic items.
This article makes the business case for deposit return and examines how it can actually be good for companies, helping them to gain greater control over performance and costs and reduce their risks.
After a marathon session that took place just before Christmas (Dec. 18), the European Parliament, Council and European Commission reached a provisional agreement on the legislative part of the Circular Economy Package
According to a recent Ellen MacArthur Foundation report, at least 20 percent of plastic packaging could be profitably reused. Given this vast potential, it makes sense that the EU is giving consideration to reuse in its new Circular Economy Package (CEP).