DRS and Extended Producer Responsibility: Better Together
Redemption, the podcast designed to save DRS continues its deep dive into concepts in and around A Guide to Modern Deposit Return Systems: 10 Essential Practices. This week, we explore how modern DRS can complement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and vice-versa.
Some people may think EPR should be implemented in place of DRS, or as a preceding measure before DRS can be considered. Instead, it is important to acknowledge these two programmes as not just fully compatible but also better together.
EPR and DRS are complementary programmes which, when carefully designed and implemented, contribute to sustainable material management in specific and unique ways.
To discuss how these two programmes can be implemented to achieve higher rates of packaging recovery and circular recycling, Redemption talked with:
- Mike Noel, Director – Public Affairs, TOMRA
- Lynn Hoffman, Co-President, Eureka Recycling
Subscribe and tune in to Redemption on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music.
Related resources
A Guide to Modern Deposit Return Systems: 10 Essential Practices
10 key requirements for successful implementation of a DRS to serve as a roadmap for policymakers, advocates, and producers seeking the best public policy solutions.
A Guide to Modern Deposit Return Systems: 10 Essential Practices Executive Summary
Short summary of the 10 key requirements for successful implementation of a DRS to serve as a roadmap for policymakers, advocates, and producers seeking the best public policy solutions.